Watermarble success with OPI Color Paints!


This post has been pending for sometime now.I did these nails a while back and thought it was time I wrote a post about it already ๐Ÿ˜€ . Watermarble nails were something that I was convinced were beyond me.I had countless failures and was about to give up on them. Then I read somewhere about how the OPI color paints collection is perfect for watermarbles.

Anyway, one sunday evening, I thought I should give it a go and this was what I came up with:



Needless to say that these are some of the easiest polishes to watermarble with! The polish is so well behaved, it stays fluid enough for you to drag your designs easily. It spreads really well over water and you don’t have to do anything at all! I created my designs over a white base and topped off with HK Girl topcoat.

Seeing as this is my first attempt, I tried a new design on every nail ๐Ÿ™‚

Here are the results in natural light:


I used all the polishes from the Color Paints collection. I got these from ebay here.


As you can see, nothing matches, but I love it nonetheless!


The colours are so bright! My camera is freaking out from all the brightness ๐Ÿ˜€ย These colours together remind me of those fruit sundaes full of colourful syrups..

These are my favourites . I tried to recreate the flower on my other thumb, but ended up with something that looks like a cross between a peach and apple sauce:


So what do you think?

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