Tag : FabUrNails

5 posts

Hi guys, Two posts in one day you ask? Well I do have a lot of catching up to do 😀 This is going to be a looong post with the neon watermarble first, a review of sorts for the Born Pretty Store 6 piece watermarble tool/ dotting tool all in one and followed up …
Hey Guys, I know it’s been ages since I last posted! I haven’t stopped doing nail art, just finding it difficult to keep up with regular posting. Good news is I have a nice pile of unposted designs to get crackin’ 🙂 Today is one of my first fashion inspired nail art looks. Adele is …
Hi guys, I know it’s been a while since I last posted. Have been occupied with other stuff and haven’t found the time to blog 🙁 , though I have been doing a lot of manicures and now have a bunch to post! Warning: This is going to be a long rambling, picture heavy post. …
Hello! Today I’ve got one of the new MoYou London Illusion Plates! The stamping world has gone crazy with most recent releases featuring illusion prints of one form or the other. MoYou London jumped on the bandwagon a little late ( Hello B Loves Plates!) but they’ve come out with spanking irresistable designs! Anyway, as …
Hello! Today I’ve got some nail studs for review from Born Pretty Store. I decided to try out a Marc Jacobs ‘Daisy’ inspired design.I’ve seen a lot of different interpretations of this beautiful perfume bottle all over the web and it’s been on my list of manicures to try for a long time now. When I …